Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Winter Wonderland?

I live in one of those places that doesn't have much to show when it comes to "Winter Wonderland" which is the theme at I Heart Faces this week. We did have an ice storm a couple of years ago, so I was able to find this picture of my daughter and "The Bumblebee". I've always liked this shot for at least a couple of reasons---it's of my sweet girl and I like the bright pop of yellow and blue against the wintry background. For more wonderful winter photos, head on over to I Heart Faces. Maybe you have one you can share. I'd love to look at them as I sip my iced tea!....


  1. She's a cutie!! That is my least favorite part of winter, scrapping the windshield. Ick! :)

  2. Ha ha! We are getting another 10 inches on top of the 20 we got last week :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. All our snow has gone, but still having to remember to go out early to defrost all the ice!

  4. lol, love the picture because it reminds me of how glad i am i have a garage now! :)
