Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Now You See Me....

You CAN see me, can't you? I'm here---reflected in the sunglasses of my beautiful sister! I didn't take this as a self-portrait originally. I was taking a picture of my sister at my nephew's final football game( they won, capturing the state championship) but my husband liked it so much that he thought I should use it for this week's challenge, so here it is....It's Self-Portrait Week at I Heart Faces. Come on over and see how other photographers put themselves into the picture. Put yourself in front of the camera and share it---we'd love to see you!...


  1. See you perfectly!! What a great shot....very beatuiful :)

  2. what a neat photograph! You can see everything that's going on around you reflected in your sunglasses :)

  3. So creative! Great shot...2 Beautiful Sisters for the price of one!


  4. interesting idea! how cool. (thanks for your comment on my post:)

  5. Thank you so much for your sweet comment. :)
    Love the creative idea in your self portrait. Gotta love a creative mind.

  6. Thank you for your comment!

    Super creative photo!

  7. Thanks for your lovely comment! I absolutely love your self portrait. Beautiful shot. Looks like a wonderful moment captured. :)

  8. Love the reflections in the glasses.
