Friday, June 8, 2012

Playing In the Park

It's "All Boy" photos over at I Heart Faces---which gives me the perfect excuse for a shameless plug for the band my son plays in.  Seize The Eternal plays what I call alternative Christian rock---and they do it well---and they do it with the goal of reaching those who might not listen to a praise band or more traditional Christian music.  They're on I-tunes, they're worth hearing....Surely you have some plugs---I mean---pictures, with male faces in them, that you could share with us.  We'd love to see them!

Photo Challenge Submission

Monday, January 16, 2012

Caroling, Caroling, Now We Go

Sometimes you just get lucky. I don't purposely take pictures of family groups except for when we're opening Christmas gifts or the new member pictures when a family joins our church. But this year, at church-wide caroling, I caught this whole family as they were coming in to pick up their books. I really like the picture, but the lighting and color in our multi-purpose building is really bad, so I converted this to something I was happier with. It's "Family Fun" week at I Heart Faces. Bet you've got some fun pictures you can share with us....C'mon---you know you want to!....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Favorite Face of 2011

Picking one favorite photo out of a whole year is truly a difficult task, but I chose this one because I think a task of similar difficulty is getting a good picture of a singer during performance. The lighting might not be in your control, their mouth or eyes might be doing weird things, but I am happy with how this shot came out. I like the warm tones and the way the light shone on her face and in her eyes. This is "Favorite Face of 2011" week at I Heart Faces. We'd like to see what you chose as your favorite. I know it's hard, but you can do it!....