Monday, December 12, 2011

On the Wings of a Dove

I feed birds on my deck rail because I like to watch them and take pictures of them. I especially love to feed the cardinals, the blue jays, the titmice and the chickadees. Didn't see doves on that list, did you? I am not particularly fond of feeding them---they eat way too much and constantly chase all the other birds away---but they do make for some beautiful pictures. Their wings can be so lovely. The window I photograph them through is old and etched by the elements, so the pictures are nowhere near pristine, but I really liked the almost sculptural quality of this pose, so I'm sharing it with you. You probably have a furry face you love---or a photogenic pest around that you could share some pictures of. It's the perfect time since it's "Furry Faces" week at I Heart Faces!....
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Two Shall Become One

"You're the mom." she said, "Just be the mom and let someone else take the pictures at the wedding. But you can take pictures at the rehearsal, if you want to." So I did and this is my entry for "On Your Feet" week at I Heart Faces. I have to say, I do like this picture of my daughter and son-in-law lighting the unity candle. I don't have that many pictures of feet, though I am starting to think of doing it more often, but I'll bet you have one you could share.....