Monday, June 28, 2010

Wanna play?

The theme at I Heart Faces this week is pets (or other animals)
We have two outside cats. One we have had since she was born and one is a stray that we are in the process of taking in. Our cat, Snickerdoodle, is almost always ready to play, but the stray, Killmouseky, wasn't interested on this particular day....
For many more animal photos and stories, head on over and take a look---maybe even jump in with one of your own!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This is my entry for this week's theme over at I Heart Faces. The focus is on teens. I no longer have any at my house, but I was pleased with this shot I took of my nephew as he was leaving for his high school graduation ceremony. To see many more snapshots of teen life, head on over to I Heart Faces---maybe even add one of your own!...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Playing Bass

This is my entry for this week's theme "Play" over at I Heart Faces. My husband dearly loves to play his bass guitar,...Head on over to I Heart Faces to see the many wonderful ways the theme is interpreted and maybe even add your own !

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Three Generations of Shoes

Okay, I'm another newbie---getting her feet wet in the "Barefoot Week" pool. I don't have many pictures of feet, because I truly do heart faces, but I did see this juxtaposition of three generations of shoes in a family photo---mine, my daughter's and my mother-in-law's---so here we are to support Soles4Souls which gives shoes to needy people all over the world. To see many more shoes and feet, make tracks to
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I'm only doing this because....

...I need a blog to link to for submissions to some photo and poetry sites....I want to be able to participate---so here I am, a reluctant entrant into the blogosphere....